Thursday, April 21, 2005

a broadening of horizons.

so today i stepped in to the room of my oft-referred-to roommate to discover that he was setting up an account on ye olde thus we decided that since i'm always talking about the stupid shit that we do, perhaps we should become collaborators! so we're gonna try a little multi-contributor action and this shit is gonna be flyin' off the heezy like a flock of seagulls in heat. or.... something.

who knows what he'll write about? i sure don't. but the dialectic possibilities are endless. endless i'm telling you! but i can guarantee that he'll rip whatever trend-riding bands stupid people are into these days, because he likes music alot more than i do. plus he's got taste like.... i dunno, somebody tasteful. mr. osmond? no, that reference is just too obscure. ah, well.

c'est tout.