Thursday, April 07, 2005

minds that work too much.

when i lay in bed at night, my brain just goes.

i have the worst kind of insomnia. i can't sleep for shit at night. but i sure as hell don't have any trouble staying asleep. when i wake up all i want to do is go back to sleep. and often i just do, of my body's own will, whether i'm at work or in class or whatever.

i don't necessarily think bad thoughts, though i do occasionally. really i just think. i have so much trouble with the suspension of thought, like, from the moment i lay in bed. it's like my rebellious little neurons say whee! time to pick away at the mysteries of the universe, you stonebag.

if only my mind would race whilst i was awake, and i could set it to some task or something. but during the day i just want to lay around and smoke weed. it's like i'm not fully awake until it's time to go to bed again. then i can't sleep for shit so i'm tired as hell all day and i'm not really awake until it's time to go to bed again. and so on ad infinitum til my little brain wears out and i sleep for 12 fuckin hours like i did last night.

and the fact that i slept til 2pm today is not gonna help me sleep tonight in time to not sleep through logic tomorrow morning. so i smoked a joint, which i chased with a shot of southern comfort, which i chased with an ativan.

and i think i'll sleep alright soon. through til tomorrow night perhaps.


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