Tuesday, March 22, 2005

you, too, can purchase!

instead of going to class, or working on any of my various essays due soon, i decided that today was best spent smoking joints and watching still more aqua teen. i've really got to bust my ass soon. i'm thinking i'll probably just not take any pot home with me when i go home to chatham this weekend, and since i've lost touch with all my dealers there, my lungs will get a break, and the main obstacle to me doing work will be removed.

in the vein of my bitching about cleareyes, i'm thinking that i'm going to comment on the commodity goods that i know and love for the next few posts. because i haven't always been a cynical critic of the commodity-fetishist system. no-no-no, i grew up watching 6 hours of television a day and begging my parents to purchase every damn thing i saw advertised. cos, hell, if it's on tv, it's obviously got to be a worthwhile purchase. everyone knows that. there's a still a pretty wide consumer streak in me.

today i made some kool-aid. see, i've been very recently introduced to kool-aid because my dad is kind of a health nut in a halfassed sorta way, and is in any case way too pretentious to ever have bought kool-aid when i was a kid. and good little upper-middle-class quasi snob that i am, i blindly followed and never even thought to buy kool-aid, even when in my reefer-induced poverty meant that i was drinking water all the time.

but i was out buying groceries the other day, and saw that little kool-aid packets were 6 for 99 cents. i mean, what the hell do you have to lose on that? you can't even get a kick in the ass for 99 cents these days.

and if it isn't just the most miraculous stuff. i especially love how when you pour the red one into water the water is instantly a very violent shade of red. and anything within any kind of range is also red. and as you drink it you can feel the enamel being stripped off your teeth, and you can revel in the fact that this shit never had anything to do with fruit of any sort, despite its being called fruit punch.

thank god for the free market. where the hell else are you gonna get 6 pitchers of drinky goodness for ninety-nine cents?

not in the goddamn soviet union, that's for damn sure.


At 11:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Soviet Russia kool-aid drinks you

At 10:14 p.m., Blogger ali said...

oddly enough my kool-aid that i bought didn't have sugar in it. so you had to add sugar. which was kind of the gross part cos you see the like, cup of refined white sugar that's going into the pitcher.

i guess, conceivably you could make it without sugar, or with artificial sweetener. but no sugar would be like, super sour bitter chemical juice, and artificial sweetener really creeps me out.

hahaha mmm...kool-aid and its many wonders


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