Wednesday, March 09, 2005

on natural selection.

i'm at work right now. my boss has gone home, and thus i am frittering away my paid time on the internet. oh, joy.

i've been thinking lately (and this is a direct consequence of this job and the distaste for people it leaves me with), that humanity's social safety net tends to get in the way of natural selection too much.

on one level, i think that everyone needs to be taken care of, and i don't really think that society benefits in any way from throwing the elderly on ice floes with polar bears. cos i like old people, and they served us in the capitalist mode for long enough that it should serve them til they live out their natural lives.

but on another level, i think that in order for evolution to keep functioning for humans, we need to give the weak and stupid more chances to die. we live in a culture so damn obsessed with safety, health, and security, that utter morons are allowed to bumble along in our midst, procreating and generally shitting in the gene pool. civilized society insists on keeping its flotsam and jetsam around.

if you're dumb enough to do things that will obviously get you killed, i think that society should leave it wide open. we put up fences along cliffs, we put warning labels on everything, we do our best to save crackheads, and all for what? to keep idiots from dying? why, exactly, do we want to keep them from dying? i, for one, don't want to be in the company of people who think it's a good idea to drink bleach, play near the edges of tall stuff, or freebase blow. let 'em do what they like.

the immediate consequence is that we're surrounded by these dimwits, which is bad enough. longer-term though is that we're not going to evolve, because the unfit are surviving alongside the fit.

don't look at this as some kind of weird white-supremacist social darwinism, now. cos this is above all a problem of white people supporting white idiots. the white people in power already don't give two shits about whether minorities live or die, so that's pretty much a non-issue. (well, it's a big issue, but not in terms of this post.)

hahaha. that was a horribly offensive and poorly thought-out post that's riddled with inconsistencies. still, something to think about. go, hypothetical audience, and poke holes in this trollish mess with incisive commentary!


At 7:47 p.m., Blogger ali said...

haha. i love that you posted that comment. that's exactly what i meant, but written alot more clearly. it's kind of a taboo thing to point out, but, for better or worse, it's the truth. kind of weird to think about the possible implications.

At 5:15 p.m., Blogger alex said...

"but on another level, i think that in order for evolution to keep functioning for humans, we need to give the weak and stupid more chances to die. we live in a culture so damn obsessed with safety, health, and security, that utter morons are allowed to bumble along in our midst, procreating and generally shitting in the gene pool."
ahahahhahahaha.. yes! i can't think of a better way to put it ali.. absolutely faabulous.


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