Friday, May 20, 2005


from this month's harper's index.

percentage of U.S. high school students who believe news stories should require "government approval" before publication: 36

percentage of americans who say Bush is a "uniter": 49
percentage of americans who say Bush is a "divider": 49

americans: what's wrong with your damn country, guys? how can half of it lay with its mouth open underneath a fat old cow's ass, while the other half sees, to a greater or lesser extent, the truth? maybe they're not all the way there, but at least that half knows to get the fuck out from under the cow's asshole.

and maybe take a look at who's feeding the cow.

(how's that for an analogy sticking around past its time?)

only an absolutely confident person can succeed in the world of today. only an idiot could be absolutely confident. what does that say about the world of today? people in power need to stop questioning each other so much and question themselves a bit more.


At 7:24 p.m., Blogger youshouldntdothat said...

hear hear!


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