Wednesday, December 22, 2004

wait. : an apathetic manifesto

here on this chain, it's cold, and lonely.

but it's the only place that there is.

i think that maybe language makes us believe. i think that to believe that we are anything more than bags of meat, with genetically and hormonally-influenced drives and the curse of self-consciousness ... is just a construct of language, and history. we create this mythology of ourselves as transcendent, and make ourselves think that there's something more than just this stupid eat-sleep-fuck-die orgy . when all evidence points to the contrary. gods, money, love, power, even reality, all these things to which people devote their lives, all are just constructs of our cursed linguistic capacities.

i think that maybe language keeps us from comprehending. i think that language generates this whole confusion. language got us to where our ability to think superseded our ability to be, and there was the problem. the vocative absolute becomes a distant memory. we no longer generate our own meanings, but rather, language generates them for us.

i think that maybe language is necessary. i think that i don't want to give it up, despite the fact that it is the means of my subjectivity. i don't want to give up what language brings, i don't want to give up progress and comfort, and if i am just a bag of meat, i damn well want to be a comfortable bag of meat. my unconscious won't give language up, says Lacan, so it's not really up to me. neither will yours. so, we've got to learn to deal with it.

but why deal with it through its own construct? here i am referring to god and the classical beliefs, but to science and the contemporary ones as well. for we are all subject to language in our thought, and the individual remains the précis of history. not even the determinist gods of scientific progress and their ideological cohorts.

subscribing to these foolish constructs means that you lie to yourself, each, each and every day.

but refutation of the constructs brings with it a restoration of meaning. un état d'être-pour-soi. for the unbearableness of the suspension of linguistically-constructed belief, is an unbearable lightness. live with the lightness. participate in language, but lose belief in it. play, dabble, socialize, but never lose sight of its claws.

whatever meaning there really is in our stint on this mortal coil, cannot be defined, named, spoken, or even properly conceptualized, for language precludes meaning. maybe there is none. maybe there is some. but we won't know until we can look back on the whole thing, can we? and we definitely won't figure it out by talking about it. so participate in life as in language, speak not of your gods for to do so would turn them into idols. et puis, on verra.......

well now that was out-there.


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