Tuesday, December 28, 2004

brief, random thought.

mtv show : room raiders? i think? some lame shit. i never watch tv, so it's all new and interesting to me. and ripe for analysis.

my analysis of this show in brief question format before bed. isn't it kind of creepy that this show (on the supposedly counterculturish mtv) promotes judging people's potential status as 'date' in terms of their possessions? their accoutrements? all the shit that they have, and the point is that they have no idea who the person is, except through the material products which they have acquired. fuck talking and getting to know actual people, since we're all just defined by commodities, why not just do the obvious thing and cut out the middleman? (woman?)


what an ironic metaphor. what an ironically self-referentially, ironically greedy-fuck marketing spawn, ironically product-placement-ridden, ironically-laughing-all-the-way-to-the-bank metaphor.

the dark side of postmodernism. well fuck, if meaning don't exist, why we'all be pretendin' ta huv it!? les' jus show em titties and 'splosions!


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