just for the record...
i think i'll post again later today.
but i've been reading kos and redstate today and feeling rather bitter about the state of the political discourse.
so i just thought i'd say, briefly, for the record - this goes out to you, osama bin laden and ayman al-zawahiri or whatever the fuck your name is, and you, george bush, and you, NSA computers who are likely reading this site along with everything else published on the internet.
I don't give a flying fuck about terrorism.
I've cared more about the contents of my stools than I care about terrorism. the question of who I'm going to buy buds from over the next two weeks is far more pressing than anything to do with dumbass brown fanatics who feel like blowing shit up.
now, all I ask is why politicians won't espouse this viewpoint. in the immortal words of bill hicks, where's my fucking commercial? apparently, my voice was not heard. let me repeat.
Terrorism does not fucking matter, in the least.
Got it?
all this crap that Bush is spewing about how he needs to violate your civil liberties in order to defend freedom yada yada and so on, is retarded. let me get this straight. America has managed to keep its civil liberties intact through:
- a Civil War (well; posse comitatus notwithstanding.)
- two World wars (except for that pesky internment camp thing)
- a Holocaust
- countless Presidential assassinations
- the threat of nuclear annihilation by a foreign state having several thousand warheads
- Joseph McCarthy
- and any number of other things I forgot
yet for some reason, a handful of brown guys with box cutters gives this stupid yahoo licence to piss all over your bill of rights?
9/11 was a tragedy, yeah. but it was a DROP IN THE FUCKING BUCKET compared to the vast array of avoidable deaths each year.
so, let it go. i hate the fact that the framework of political discourse won't allow anyone to CALL IT LIKE IT IS and out the Bush administration on the fact that terrorism DOES NOT MATTER and is nothing more than a CONTRIVED ENEMY so that the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX has a reason to sell their guns.
good. glad that's out there. oh yeah, and go see syriana.
youre such a terroist.
im terror-fied.
nice....post sir...i enjoyed.
it reads like a dennis leary song.
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