Wednesday, February 02, 2005

armchair political economy and you.

so, i was just watching ABC news for a few minutes.

note that a few minutes is about as long as i can watch network news before i get really bitter and change the channel. this is why i changed the channel from abc.

now i'm going to admit that i haven't got all the details about social security. but from my dilettantish point of view, and from what i've read in the new york times (some of those nuggets!) and commie shit like atlantic, it's not as bad as bush makes it out to be. it could be basically tweaked a bit, just like it has been already, and it would go on functioning perfectly well. i dunno, i'm not writing a paper, look it up if you're interested.

so ABC is doing this lame-ass feature about social security, complete with bullshit computer animations and other glitzy crappery. and they pretend to be halfass objective. they have TWO economist talking head types. TWO DIFFERENT ONES! no way. well, my need for objectivity is satisfied.

and my roomate commented about how lame and neocon these talking heads were. which is true. they are right-wingish, just like everyone else tainted by the ol' capitalist mode. these days, close involvement with the economy is to neoconservativism as HIV is to AIDS.

but the worst thing, the thing that made me want to change the channel, was the format of this documentary. the talking heads leaned a bit to the right, but they tried to be realistic. after all, they were experts and as such have to maintain at least a semblance of sticking to facts. (never mind, for the moment, that the entire capitalist economy is a fiction, and has no "facts," that's a completely different story.) but their attempts at realism were pretty much beaten into submission by Concerned News Anchor Type. basically, he just kept throwing such pointed questions at them, that their loyalty to 'facts' betrayed them. he would basically ask for specific figures which would highlight the weaknesses of social security, then cut to a lame animation of some sort. at which point Concerned Narrator Voice would draw his own conclusions about how fucked the system was, with the implicit decision that it would have to be privatized. you could practically see the talking heads realizing that their words were about to be twisted in this creepy neocon way and desperately trying to drive home that it wasn't really so fucked as all that.

but then... the kicker.

after enough pretending to be based in fact, ABC decided to turn to the old standby of dubya worship. they played a little clip of bush being witty... and then cut back to Concerned News Anchor Type saying this. and i quote, as best as i can remember:

"It's obvious that this system is in need of an overhaul. Now the question is, will Bush's proposed reforms be enough?"


tell me where i lost you. so, your lame talking heads tried to tell you that this system has a slight problem. and needs some reforms. so you conclude that privatizing the damn thing and pulling out grandma's damn social net might not be enough? jesus. what should we do, you fuck? put them on an ice floe?

i'm not going to work out the truth table for that one, but i have the feeling that it's not a truth-functionally valid argument.

i got bitter and changed the channel at that point. marginalization of dissent? hmm?


then i watched cnn though, and it was relatively good. or at least, pretended better.


At 4:08 p.m., Blogger ali said...

gosh, you know, you make some really interesting points. haha; straight "c" student. you got me pegged, "Timmer" !

i'm almost too stoked that people actually read any of this shit to be bitter at what a moronic comment that was.

you know what would have been awesome? if perhaps you had made some sort of cogent argument against what i was saying about the corporate media. in that case i would have been able to offer some kind of reasoned rebuttal. i mean, i did offer that i don't know shit about social security right from the beginning. we could have debated, you and i, chomsky dick-rider to military-industrial neo-con automaton. perhaps we both could have been enlightened.

instead, though, you wisely chose to employ those tried and tested methods of neocon inquiry we call "irrelevant character assassination" and "baseless generalizations." you know, i was really inspired, so i thought i'd try it out in my own little rebuttal here. now i'll admit, i'm not quite the master at this you are, since as a university student i tend to have to stick to such things as "facts" and "arguments."

why are you reading my blog, anyway, Timmer? i mean, after all, i am a "loser stoner straight 'C' university student." i don't even live in your country. (thank god.) i can't imagine that you actually care about the meat and potatoes of my content any more than i care about your hokey 'american ideals.' do the thoughts of your military-industrial complex's well-built products slaughtering thousands of civilians not keep you quite warm enough at night? looking for some young, male company to take the winter chill off perhaps? a little bit of brownhole fun to bring back your memories of the good old Navy days? wasn't it great, back when you didn't have to think for yourself? oh. right. you still don't have to - you've got FOX News.

or is it that "wife Candie" just isn't putting out the way that she used to, and you've taken to spectacle politics as a way to let out all that repressed sexual energy? speaking of spectacle politics, your shirts are beautiful. have you ever considered a career in graphic design? there's nothing i like better than when the repressive state apparatus merges with the ideological one! that was really clever how you juxtaposed osama bin laden with michael moore. yes, absurd far-right terrorists and crock-of-shit faux-liberal truth-distorters SURE have a lot in common.

alright ... i'm going to go smoke a joint and read some more of your blog. i haven't laughed this much since i watched dubya's inaugural speech.

in conclusion.... baaaa-aaaaa. baaaaaaa! baaaaaa.

that was the only part of this post you understood, wasn't it? thought so.

"Dumb ass..."

At 1:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant, witty and ever-so appropriate

All the reasons I regularly read your blog

Don't stop!

At 10:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would love to see the debate continue between 'chomsky dick-rider' and 'military-industrial neo-con automaton', where did timmer go?



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