Sunday, November 07, 2004

my new blog. oh, oh .... emo ... oh god ....

blogs remind me of being emo.

which, i must observe... is ludicrous. i used to have a blog, when i was emo. and i would use it to whine about girls, etc. etc. why i was a nerd, that type of thing. it was really, um ... lame. i think that lame would be the most accurate word to describe what it was.

but now i've got a new blog. it's not going to be about girls, or about how i have no friends, or the shades my nails are painted. (yeah, i used to paint my nails. what ... what of it. it was badass, ok?) well, that's a lie. probably some of it will be about girls. but it won't be stupid emo shit.

basically, i want to write... soooo, i figure, a blog will help me just... start... writing. cos that would appear to be the hardest part of the process. as a whole. and then after i've got a bunch of shit down on the proverbial paper of the miracle that is the internet ... i can go over it, and maybe do something interesting with it.

so, yeah. this is just going to be a whole lot of random musings... usually not about anything in particular, or me as a person, but just ... on ... stuff. concepts. not even always reflective of my own opinions. i guess... you could say. and probably a lot of these digressionary self-referential tangents where i talk alot about nothing, and generally put off any actual thinking. because, well... i'm probably going to be stoned a lot of the time.

i wonder if anyone will read this? ha, ha... i'm sure as fuck not going to TELL anybody about it. i might catch emo, and start wearing sweater vests. listening to bright eyes, perhaps.

FUCK, i hate bright eyes.

um. done. that was my introduction.

ive been thinking about doing this for a while, everytime that i came up with some weird observation. but usually i was busy eating, or getting high, or more likely, both, and then moved on to something else. sooo, the thought that popped into my head and inspired me to actually DO this (actually, it was the fact that i was close to my computer when i thought of it) was such.

i edited out what was a particularly rude segment of this post, so that people i know could actually read it, cos i realized that a blog that nobody reads is a blog that i don't write on.



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